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 HUB Security


"Built for organizations that cannot afford to lose their crown jewels"

HUB Security’s approach to cybersecurity is to focus on protecting our clients’ “crown jewels”, assuming that the server is already infected and the administrator has been compromised, leveraging zero trust, secure compute as the next generation of defense in-depth Trade secrets. Trading algorithms. Patient data. Keys to biometric credentials. Insurance policies and limits. Our confidential computing platform is the last line of defense for your sensitive data, providing full protection even if your passwords have been stolen and even if your underlying infrastructure has been compromised.


HUB Security is a leader in confidential computing, a computing technology that uses isolated enclaves to protect sensitive data and applications from unauthorized access. In confidential computing, data is protected at its most vulnerable level- data in use, and even from malicious access via administrator credentials, ensuring that it is accessible only to policy-authorized programming code, and invisible to everyone else, including network and cloud providers.

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